About the Kakapo

Many of us has heard of the endangered whales and sharks and pandas. What many of us do not know, however is that this list of endangered species also contains other animals that are in serious need of help. Most of us has never heard of these animals and a good example of one, is the kakapo.

The kakapo or strigops habroptilus
(scientific name) is a flightless, nocturnal parrot is found in New Zealand. It is sometimes called the owl parrot or the night parrot by the Maori people because of its activity at night. It has a yellow-green plumage with a very large beak. Being a flightless bird, it has very strong legs which helps it to be able to run for many kilometres. The kakapo is also able to climb up trees with its sharp claws and is also able to 'parachute' off the tree by jumping and spreading it's wings. It's large wings enable it to sail gently to the ground.

Their main predator used to be the giant eagle but that bird was extinct long ago. The kakapo adapted to this predator by turning its feathers into green and yellow which camouflaged well with the surrounding forest. It would stand perfectly still as the giant eagle flew past and this was usually successful.

There once used to be millions of these birds living in New Zealand but tragically through human impact, the number dropped so drastically, there is now only a mere 125 birds left in the wild. It is ranked as critically endangered.
